About the Data Portal 2.0

Ever Wonder If Data Is More Than Just Numbers?

Since 2014 Halton professionals have used the OKN Data Portal to better understand and use data in their work with children, youth and families. Now the retooled Data Portal 2.0 can help professionals analyze and utilize data to deepen understanding and reveal even more compelling and meaningful information about the children, youth and families of Halton.

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The OKN Data Portal 2.0 upgrade offers more options and control, resulting in complete customization of your maps, charts and graphs in the way you visualize them. The streamlined and simplified look makes it easy to find the data you’re looking for and work with it. The Data Portal 2.0 contains all the latest Halton data from the Kindergarten Parent Survey, and Tell Them From Me (TTFM) / OurSCHOOL survey and includes the most recent Canada Census data. More

Use the Data Portal 2.0 (Works best with Chrome. Not usable with Internet Explorer.)
Data Portal 2.0 Resources
Data Portal 2.0 Quick Start Guide

What Data Is in the OKN Data Portal 2.0?

OKN has invested in a significant amount of research to identify the key components of healthy growth and development for all children and youth. This quality, local data is based on the Halton 7 population results, which represent ideal living conditions for children and youth in Halton. Users will find community and neighbourhood-level information, demographics, OKN research data on health, safety, education, Census data and more.

How to Use the Data

The OKN Data Portal contains quality, local-level data. Although data are subject to limitations, we made every effort to ensure the most accurate data is available. Limitations of the data include limited data points over time and self-reported information. To help you better understand the data, download the Guidelines for Interpretation.

Data Portal 2.0 Data Archives

Our Kids Network wants to make important data and information open, accessible and usable so everyone can work towards the Halton 7 population results to ensure that children and youth in Halton are thriving. Organized by these population results, OKN data prior to 2015 is stored here for downloading. The Excel tables show the data by year and OKN neighbourhood and municipality. Each file includes metadata describing the indicator, data source and year(s) available. Data Archives


The data in the Data Portal and Our Kids Network (OKN) research reports are produced or compiled by OKN for the purposes of providing community status information. Data and information released from OKN are provided on an “AS IS” basis, without warranty of any kind, including, without limitation, any warranty as to accuracy, suitability for a particular purpose or non-infringement of any intellectual property rights that may be held by others.

Availability of this data and information does not constitute scientific publication. Data and/or information may contain errors or be incomplete. OKN is not responsible for the interpretation and usability or suitability of the data for any intended purpose. It shall be used by the recipient of such information without any reliance on OKN in any manner whatsoever.

The archived data uses the previous 21 neighbourhood boundaries, which differ from the current 27 neighbourhood boundaries. For this reason and changes in data sources and methodology over time, these results may not be comparable to results currently available in the Data Portal 2.0.


OKN organization graphic