Building Relationships & Assets

The key for people and organizations to thrive

Powerful relationships are the foundation of our success in Halton. They are the key ingredient to our work with kids, families, communities – and each other. Research identifies what knowledge and skills we need to build, nurture, and sustain these essential relationships.

The mid adult mom invests time to teach her son. She is pointing something out to him on his work.

Relationships First

We have a variety of resources about building relationships, and we want to share them with you, who help others build assets and meaningful relationships. These resources can be used to provide training and presentations to organizations and communities, in workshops, meetings, and discussions to build strong relationships, not only with the children, youth, and families you work with, but also with your colleagues, friends, and family. For information about building relationships, explore our resources in the Resource Hub.

High school students at table

Five Dimensions That Really Matter

It’s important for young people to have caring adults and peers in their lives who support their growth, challenge them, share power, and help them see new possibilities. Having strong relationships can help prevent bullying, improve mental health and well-being, increase youth engagement, and support social and emotional learning. Strong relationships can also provide protection from risky situations. What are the five dimensions, explore them here.

For more information on building relationships, visit our resource hub.

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Generous funding for the Our Kids Network Asset-Building Initiative

OKN organization graphic