Sociodemographic Characteristics

Belonging and Connectedness for Halton Youth

Do young people in Halton have strong relationships and a sense of belonging, and how can we help them feel connected?

A bunch of students walk together with colorful backpacks on their back

Findings reflect the responses of 1915 youth in the 13 to 18 age range.

Sociodemographic characteristics of this sample PDF icon

Gender Chart
Age Chart
Grade chart
Municipality Chart
Immigration Chart
Condition chart
Visiable Minority Chart
Indigenous Chart
* Participants could self-identify and enter their own gender identity. The most common response was non-binary. Other responses included: gender fluid (13), questioning/not sure (10), demigirl (3), agender (12), genderqueer (2).

**  Living in Canada for five years or less

***  The definition of visible minorities is employed here to make the data comparable to Statistics Canada census data.The Employment Equity Act defines visible minorities as “persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non white in colour”.


  • These findings cover only responses of youth in the 13-18 age range
  • Open invitation sampling strategy (non-probabilistic)
    • Sample is not necessarily representative of all children and youth living in Halton.
    • It is not possible to determine a response rate.
    • However, considering the geographic coverage and the size of the final sample, it’s fair to assume that we have a reasonably good cross-section of children and youth living in Halton.
  • A higher degree of diversity within this sample calls for caution when interpreting overall ratios. For more details on the composition of the sample see the sociodemographic table
  • The data are meant to provide a snapshot of youth wellbeing during COVID, and caution should be used when comparing across time.
  • While each indicator is important, using multiple indicators as evidence of strengths and needs provides a more comprehensive representation
  • This is a self-report survey and several types of response bias have been identified related to self-report surveys. Use caution when interpreting the findings
OKN organization graphic