Learn about research from the 2023 Kindergarten Parent Survey on neighbourhood wellbeing across Halton.
Neighbourhoods play a crucial role in children’s development. Neighbourhood assets like parks and recreation centres promote healthy lifestyles and create opportunities for families to connect, positively influencing belonging and overall wellbeing of residents. However, neighbourhood wellbeing in Halton is changing. Parents of kindergarten children responding to the 2023 Kindergarten Parent Survey reported lower levels of neighbourhood cohesion compared to previous cycles of the survey. Join this learning opportunity to hear about the results!
This learning opportunity is 45 minutes in length and will consist of a presentation followed by discussion sessions in small groups. Please plan to stay for the full session. All Halton professionals who are involved in promoting the wellbeing of children and families are welcome to attend!
Access the Neighbourhood Cohesion brief.
Rebecca Abavi, Knowledge Broker, Our Kids Network
Rebecca is passionate about transforming research and data into meaningful information that promotes the wellbeing of children and families in Halton. As Knowledge Broker at OKN, she develops knowledge translation tools and resources. Her primary goal is building the network’s capacity to improve the lives of children and youth through data. Rebecca joined OKN in 2023. Prior to that, she conducted work in research and knowledge translation in a variety of roles focused on health, human rights, gender-based violence, and child development.