Do More With Data

The Halton Youth Impact Survey provides a snapshot about youth wellbeing in Halton during COVID-19. The next step is to explore and share the findings. Use the Data Portal to begin exploring the data. Have conversations about what the results mean, and how we can work together in Halton to respond to these findings.

These guidelines for interpreting and using the data can help you put research into action in your work:

Understanding the Data

  • It is more useful to look for patterns of findings than to focus on a specific finding.
  • Using multiple indicators as evidence of strength and need is a much stronger approach than using a single indicator.
  • Use caution when making comparisons. Look for at least a 5% change or difference between groups. This helps to avoid “over-interpreting” small differences as being important.
  • Several types of response bias have been identified related to self-report surveys. Use caution when interpreting the meaning of findings because some data may not represent all youth in Halton.
  • The data are meant to provide a snapshot of information about how Halton youth are doing. The data cannot explain why an indicator is at a certain level.

Interpreting the Data

Bring groups of different community partners together to talk about and explore the data. Try using the Data Conversation Tool to explore the data further as a team.

Questions to consider:

  • What data points stand out to you? Why?
  • What issues does the data bring to mind for you?
  • What story does the data tell for you?
  • How can this data help you or your organization?
OKN organization graphic